Thursday 16 July 2015

Toxic Power

A nation-wide survey has found the five biggestcoal-based power plants in the state – two govt-owned and three in pvt sector –to be among the worst polluters; they function at low efficiency, emit harmfulgases and one of them discharges effluent in the river! 
Gujarat is often touted as a role model state in industrialisation, but shockingly the biggest coal-based thermal power plants in the state are violating pollution norms. The list of polluters includes both government and private sector facilities which have been reported as inefficient.

Why, one of the government-owned plants discharges its ash containing effluent in the Mahi river.
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), an independent national organization, conducted a two-year-long survey of 47 thermal power stations in India. There are 12 such plants in the state but the study was conducted at the five biggest ones. Two of them -- Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd at Wanakbori and Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd in Surat – are government owned while the other three -- Tata Power Company at Mundra, Adani Power Ltd at Mundra and Torrent Power Ltd at Sabarmati in Ahmedabad – are in the private sector.
The survey was conducted on several parameters of thermal power pollution standards like resources usage, technological utilisation, operating capacities, emission rate, release of toxic heavy metals and a few others. Depending on the assessment of the plants, they were awarded leaves and scores for their performances — the highest being five leaves for good show and the lowest being none.
The findings of the study was released on February 22, 2015 by Dr M S Swaminathan, the father of Green Revolution in India; Ashok Lavasa, Union Environment and Forest secretary; and Arvind Subramanian, chief economic advisor to the Union government.

Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd, Surat
Rating: Two leaves
Score of efficiency: 38%
Age: 30 years
* Auxiliary power consumption of the plant is very high at 15%
* Availability of the plant is very low at just 80% (The availability factor of a power plant is the amount of time that it is able to produce electricity over a certain period, divided by the amount of the time in the period.)
* Plant load factor (PLF) is very low at 70%
* CO2 emission rate of the plant is very high at 1.31 tCO2/MWh

When experts from CSE visited the site, they noted that public had complaints about fugitive dust emission. Also, there were cases of accidents caused due to lignite and ash transport.
“Fugitive emissions have the potential for much greater ground-level impact per unit than stationary source emissions, since they are discharged and dispersed close to the ground,” states ‘Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines’, a World Bank document.
When contacted, L Chuaungo, principal secretary in the energy and petrochemicals department, said norms were not as stringent when these old thermal power stations were constructed. “It is not possible to update all 35-year-old power plants. But the new plants have been constructed following all rules and regulations and are equipped with modern technology,” he said.

Torrent Power Ltd-Sabarmati
Rating: One leaf
Score of efficiency: 28%
Age: 19 years
* Efficiency of the plant is low at just 31%
* Auxiliary consumption of the plant is high at 9.3%
* Average unit size is very small at just 102 MW
* The plant does not have any SOx control technology installed
In a state where people are already reeling from insufficient ground water, Torrent Power Ltd sources 30 per cent of its requirement from ground water.
“Since thermal power plants are water guzzlers, they create huge scarcity. No new plants are allowed to use ground water for operations. However, Torrent Power has been permitted to use ground water which ideally should not be,” said Sanjeev K Kanchan, deputy programme manager, sustainable industrialisation, CSE.
Responding to an email, Torrent Power said the plant did not have SOx technology as it complied with environment specifications and it utilised approximately 30 per cent of imported coal having low sulphur content. As there wasn’t enough water in the river to meet the plant’s requirements, the company had to install tube wells. However, the company has taken steps to recycle water to the extent possible.

Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd, Wanakbori
Rating: Zero leaf
Score of efficiency: 17%
Age: 33 years
* CO2 emission of the plant is very high at 1.15 tCO2/MWh
* High stack emissions noted during survey
* PLF of the plant is low at just 75 per cent
* Lacks any technology to control SOx.
During the survey, it was found that the plant was discharging ash into the Mahi river. When the team investigated and questioned the officers, it was found that inadequate ash pond management led to this during monsoon. However, Kanchan said no such issue was reported by GPCB.
Chuaungo was shocked to know that a government agency was polluting a river. “If it is true that ash is released into the Mahi then it is completely wrong. We will investigate the matter,” he said.

Adani Power Ltd, Mundra
Rating: One leaf
Score of efficiency: 26%
Age: 19 years
* Average efficiency of the plant is very low at 31% (for 2010-13)
* Average PLF of the plant was also very low at 52%
* Availability of the plant was very low at 74% which can be improved further
* Emissions from a few units was seen
Despite having advance technology, Adani Power units emit more gas, primarily because of low efficiency of the plant. It emits CO2 1.10 tCO2/MWh.
CO2 is the cause of global warming and coal-based power plants are the largest emitter of this gas. The best technology plant emits as low as 0.65t/tCO2 (Ultra-supercritical plant). Coal-based plants in India on an average emit 1.08t/tCO2.
Despite repeated attempts by Mirror to get a response from the Adani Group, no one responded to the emails sent. The first email was sent to the company Managing Director Pranav Adani on March 1, 2015. Next day again, another email was sent seeking the company’s response on the report. There was no response till date.

Tata Power Company (CGPL), Mundra
Rating: Two leaves
Age: 10 years
Score of efficiency: 36%
* PLF was low at 74%
* Average auxiliary consumption of the plant is high at 8.3%
* Availability of the plant was low at 84%
Despite being an advanced plant it doesn’t have a flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) for SO2 control. SO2 released from thermal power plants forms acidic aerosols in the atmosphere, causing acid rain, which damages crops, forests, soil and buildings and acidifies lakes and streams. Exposure to SO2 in the ambient air may cause respiratory problems, irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat and premature mortality.
“State pollution control board has given the norm of 50mg/Nm3 for the power plants in the state which is normally impossible to achieve without FGD. Most of the imported coal-based plants have installed FGD system. However, the plant claims that it uses low sulphur coal,” said Kanchan.
Tata Power refused to comment on the report when Mirror wrote to it. The first email was sent to an agency that handles corporate communication for the company. After not receiving any response, Mirror sent another email on March 1. Finally on March 3, another person from the agency wrote to Mirror, saying that the company has refused to provide any response.

‘We follow norms: Minister
Energy and Petrochemicals Minister Saurabh Patel refused to believe the report and said that the department regularly audited the functioning of the power plants.
“To reduce emission, we wash coal to reduce sulphur content before bringing it to the thermal plants. We take all precautionary measures and follow the rules and regulations prescribed by pollution boards,” he said.

Five best functioning plants:
* CESC-Budge Budge
Efficiency: 52%
Leaves: Three

* JSWEL, Toranagallu
Efficiency: 49%
Leaves: Three

* Trombay Thermal Power Station, Mumbai
Efficiency: 48%
Leaves: Three

* JSWEL, Ratnagiri
Efficiency: 44%
Leaves: Three

* Reliance Dahanu Thermal Power Station, Dahanu
Efficiency: 39%
Leaves: Two

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